Ok, so I don't know about you but when I think of winter in Ohio I think of near 0 temperatures, snow, ice, and staying inside where it's warm. This winter Ohio decided to change a few things on us and it was nearly 60 just a couple of days ago, then it snowed for two days, then it was back up to nearly 60 again. Monday I did a 6.5 mile run outside in shorts and a light long sleeve shirt and didn't freeze to death because it was 54 when I started out and 58 when I was done. I'm not complaining, I'm just a little confused is all.
My training hasn't been half bad since the last post. I've definitely picked it up here recently which is nice, my legs are a little tired but you'll have that. I'm getting really excited about Ironman Florida and went for my bike fitting last Friday. I know I'm small but the guy at the bike shop wanted me to know just how small I really am. This meant when he put my measurements into the computer he showed me the fact that there are only 2 bike companies that make my size bike on a regular basis without it having to be completely custom. That was kind of an entertaining thought though but at least I'm still able to get a bike without having to pay out the nose! The bike I'm going to have will be a Canondale Slice which is the same one that Chrissie Wellington rides, she has won Kona 3 times in her career and hasn't lost a race that she has entered in the past 3 years. Mirinda Carfrae also won Kona in 2010 on a Canondale Slice and she's nearly the same size as I am which makes me feel good. I currently ride a Felt which I LOVE but they don't make a tri bike in my size which stinks so I have to change bikes. I was reading a few things about Mirinda and she has the same problem that I do in the fact that Felt doesn't fit but after she won Kona Felt decided to custom make a bike to fit her so that she could ride their bike in Kona 2011. I guess that since she's being sponsored by them they are looking into making smaller tri bikes, which makes this little midget happy! I'm not going to complain though because my new bike is one that two top female triathletes have won with in the most competitive triathlon in the world, so it can't be that bad right? I don't actually get my bike until this spring, probably around March sometime, and then I'll officially let you know how I like it.
As for my other training I've just been running mostly. I hopped in the pool last week and realized that I am woefully out of swimming shape. My true eye opener was Red and I were doing sprints and my "sprint" took me nearly 20 seconds to go 25 yards, gross. I used to do 50's in 25 or 26 and not think twice about it. I definitely need to get some more water time here soon. On top of adding water time I need saddle time for the bike and over all weight training to get some more power out of this little body. I need to build up the inside of my legs because my knees are getting angry since I'm not working all of my muscles equally which means my joints are getting messed up from not being even. I also need to work on my back some so I can be more comfortable in aero for my bike and also so I can be an even stronger swimmer. Right now my body is "comfortable" pushing people around all the time in stretchers and hating life but that won't be for very much longer. My last day as a transporter is next Tuesday and it can't get here fast enough! I've talked to a couple of people, a personal trainer, and the guy from the bike shop, and they both said that my job isn't doing me any favors in how my body is being shaped muscle-wise. It also doesn't help that when I workout I don't try to compensate for my work doing what it does to my body which just makes it worse.
Ok, well it's time to mess with my watch a bit and continue to get ready for work. Oh, I've also been trying to log more running miles because I'm running a half Marathon in California in two weeks. Yeah that could be important lol.