Thursday, May 8, 2014

Post Pig/Pre Rev3 Knoxville

My first tri of the season is coming up in less than ten days.  That is slightly frightening but mostly exciting!  Ohio is not known for its fantastic weather, and is certainly not conducive to training for an early May triathlon.  But for some reason I decided that May was a good time to go out and start my race season.

I got my new wetsuit last week and already tried it out.  The really good part is that every part of me that was covered by cap, goggles, or wetsuit was perfectly warm and happy.  It was the other 3% of my body that was uncovered that was FREEZING.  Caesar Creek isn't exactly warm in the summer, but early to late spring meant absolutely frigid water.  The air temp was decent, but that water made my feet hurt since it was so cold.  I ended up swimming about a half mile in an attempt to get used to my new suit.  I decided that yep, it works just like my sleeveless but covers my arms, it didn't seem to kill my neck, and my feet were super cold, therefore I'm getting out.  That was good enough for me!  I'm hoping to get back up to Caesars this weekend and make another attempt to swim on Sunday.  I think the weatherman is tired of being wrong by attempting to guess correctly anymore, so he's just saying it's supposed to storm from now until July.  The 10-Day forecast shows storms every day from today until next Saturday, but if you look at the percentages, some of them are as low as 10% chance of rain/storms.  Whatever floats his boat.  I'm just hoping to get some more open water swim practice because I sincerely miss having my lane lines, black line on the bottom, walls for flip turns, and big plus signs at the ends to keep myself going straight and not have to worry about wandering around like a snake.

My Zo pup waiting for me to throw her ball.

Wandering into the effing cold water to start my swim.  

I wanted to make the table festive, so I decided to buy flowers for the table :)

Outside of that I've just been working and training.  Ali and I finished in 1:55:18 for the Half Marathon this past weekend.  Our half way point pace was 9:09/mile, we finished with an 8:49/mile pace overall.  The weather was quite nice, not too hot, not too cold, and the sun wasn't trying to bake us this year like it has in years before.  

Training this week: 
Sunday: Flying Pig Half Marathon, Caesar Creek swim
Monday: 43 mile bike ride
Tuesday: Lifting, 6 mile run (really only ran 5 miles and I walked the 6th mile)
Wednesday: 2000m swim
Thursday: heading out for a 5.5 mile run
Planned for Friday: 75 min bike and a 2200 swim
Planned for Saturday: Rest
Planned for Sunday: 1 hr run + open water swim (weather permitting)  Happy Mother's Day!  Mom is coming down to visit that afternoon, so I'll be up early getting everything else in :)

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Update with pictures and some words

So I just realized that I haven't blogged in over a month.  I've been pretty preoccupied and also haven't had that much to actually blog about.  I've been training, working, training, working, and oh  I did get to hang out with my cousins for their birthdays.

Dave let it "slip" that it was Kiley's birthday when we went to the Dayton Dragon's game, so all the entertaining people and Gem gathered around Kiley and sang to her!

The birthday girl!

It's FINALLY getting nice enough to sit outside and relax, whenever I have time.

My new wetsuit came yesterday, so I'll be able to get some open water swimming in since it's all been inside lap swimming.

My beautiful puppy dog hanging out after playing some frisbee.

Red bought a Wahoo Fitness Trainer with his tax return.  It's quite useful.  This was my ride a while back, so I kind of wonder what I can do now :)
I used to love Asics shoes, but the last couple of years they have been changing their designs and they just aren't comfy any more.  I ran in Mizuno all last season and did great.  I changed back to Asics for a little while this year (you can see my Asic Noosa Tris in the bottom left of the pic) and ended up with foot pain and I couldn't get it to go away.  I switched back to Mizuno and my problems have gone away.  The pink ones are the Sayonaras and will be my race shoes, the green ones are the riders and will be my distance shoes.  

That's pretty much all I've been up to!  I have the Flying Pig Half Marathon tomorrow morning, high of 70, 40% chance of rain, and a morning low of 48 for the start.  It's kind of chilly but not terrible.  Two weeks after that I'll be down in Knoxville, TN for the first tri of the season.  Rev 3 Knoxville 70.3 is May 18th.  

Outside of that I've been dealing with not having my Grandma to talk to on a regular basis, seeing constant reminders of how much she cared about us, and loving that the hostas she gave me are growing just fine.  I had a bad day at work the other day and really wanted to talk to her.  I was less than happy but I could hear her clear as day say "I'm so proud of you sweetie, you're doing great and I'm glad you've found this job.  I'm very proud of you, I'm proud of all my grandkids, but you're doing great and it's all going to be ok".  That's it!  It's all going to be ok.  Tomorrow I'll run with a good friend, get to try out my new wetsuit after the race, and just enjoy some sunshine in general.

Go train happy!