It is officially that time of the season where you want nothing more than to curl up in a ball and sleep for about 7 days. Training for an Ironman is incredibly taxing enough, with all the 100 mile bike rides, 4 hour runs, and hours in the pool. Don't forget the lifting sessions, meal prep, and extra laundry. My poor washer and dryer. I was training with some friends on Sunday, and I wanted to do just about anything else in the entire world other than be there, but I showed up. I was supposed to do 100 miles, and I ended up with 46. About 20 of those miles I was nearly solo and just trying to figure out how to keep my legs moving. We did 2 loops up at Caesar's Creek, and I was dead set on quitting after the first loop. My legs hated me, my head hated me, I hated my bike, I hated the wind, I hated absolutely everything. I was finally suckered/talked/forced into a second loop, which is when I had my mini meltdown. My friend was asking me why I was so tired, and if I was really that tired or if something was wrong. That's when I ended up half yelling/screaming at him that I was exhausted! Yep, enter very pathetic attempt to not cry here. I was tired, I was angry, and I didn't want anything to do with biking at that moment. We talked for a little while, he gave me a pep talk and reminded me that I've been training hard for a LONG time now, and that it's all going to be ok. We decided that stopping after that lap was the best idea (duh), and not training today was an even better idea. I couldn't agree more.
As Red and I were driving home we were discussing why I'm so tired (other than the obvious). When I got my paycheck this past week it said that I had worked 92 hours, so about 46 hours per week. Ok, well my day starts at 5:00am 4 days out of the week, and that makes me less than thrilled. So add about 15 to 20 hours of training to that week, and we're to 66 hours for the week. I've also been dabbling around with the idea of attempting to go back to school for Physical Therapy. I don't know if it'll work, but I'm at least doing my part to meet the observation requirements, plus it's good for me to watch what my next career could potentially be. I've been observing about 15 hours each week, so now we're up around 80 hours of stuff that I'm doing every week. Yep, I would say that would start to weigh on someone physically. To add insult to injury I've been thinking about Grandma A LOT. I miss her like crazy, and with my birthday being Saturday (the day before we rode) it hit me that this was the first time I wouldn't hear her call me to tell me happy birthday. That sucked. On top of it, Red was gone for the week before because he unfortunately also had a death in his family. His Uncle Al, which was one of my absolute favorite people in his family, died unexpectedly the weekend before. I was stuck here in Ohio, while Red went to California to be with family. So missing someone, mourning someone, and being exhausted just kind of all set in at once and I was done.
Yesterday, after the ride. I showered, ate like a fiend, and took a 2 hour nap. I felt worlds better and just tried to relax for a change.
My birthday was actually quite awesome! I only had to work for 3.5 hours due to cancellations, I potentially acquired a new client, and I was able to leave early! Red and I then went to the West Chester Farmer's Market where I bought apple doughnuts, a fresh cup of coffee, and some sunflowers. Then we went to Morgan's Canoe Livery and went canoeing for 6 miles :) On the way there we saw a giant bird that Red was told was a giant Osprey, it turns out that it's a bald eagle! When we got to the canoe rental place, they were talking about the eagle. When we were all done with the canoe trip, we came home and checked on my garden. It is officially out of hand, but incredibly productive! I've picked 24 cucumbers out of it so far, and I think there are about 8 more left. Then I picked a butternut squash, just because I could, but I have about 10 more in there still. We also picked a big pot of green beans! I ended up making pickles out of some of the cucumbers, and canned the beans. The squash still needs to be dealt with, but we'll get to that eventually. To round out the night, we went to PF Chang's for dinner before coming home to go to sleep.
Now I have a rest day, I train tomorrow, then this weekend we're going to the National Tractor Pull on Friday and Saturday. Then we're going to Cedar Point on Sunday! I don't know how to sit still :) Oh well!
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