Saturday, December 10, 2011

Small Redemption maybe?

Ok, so after having a lazy few days earlier this week I came back and made up for it a little Thursday and Friday.  Thursday I ran 5 miles on the treadmill then played soccer later that night without any subs really.  Friday I got up and drug my butt to spin class and, as usual, was really glad that I did.  After those two days I've decided that I am officially a cold weather outdoor runner.  I think that as long as the weather doesn't get ridiculously cold then I'm going to try and log my miles outside.  The treadmill wasn't absolutely horrendous but it definitely wasn't pleasant.  By the 2.3 mile mark I was trying to convince myself that I was almost half way done with my goal and that I wasn't tired but was definitely bored.  The problem with running though is that it truly is about 80-90% mental and the rest is physical.  Your body is completely capable of running and doing whatever distance you want, but the problem is convincing your body to do what you want.  Once my mind shuts off and decides it's not interested in whatever I'm doing then that's it.  It takes a lot of effort to get it back on track, and usually a new tactic or two to get me going again.  I made it through all 5 miles with a 9:30 pace which is definitely not bad, but I felt like it took a small lifetime.  When I run outside I feel like everything goes so much faster simply because the scenery changes.  I tried to watch tv which helped immensely but it just wasn't the same.  It would probably help if it was a movie that I was interested in instead of a talk show.  Oh, speaking of those talk shows, the one I watched some guy was talking to a guest who said it was a "deal breaker" in a relationship if her boyfriend won't eat at the dinner table and insists on eating on the couch.  Really?  Yep, really.  And that right there is why I prefer books and don't watch a whole lot of tv.  It's ok, I didn't regret it at all, I just know for certain that I will have to bundle up and face the cold.

The soccer game was quite nice, first off we won 6-2 which was SWEET, I had an assist, and I actually felt really really good.  We had one sub for the whole team and I think that we played smarter because of it.  We played how we needed to instead of trying to be 5 minute heroes and hoping for a sub if we wanted it.  We knew we didn't have real subs for everyone so everyone stayed where they needed to and didn't leave patches of field open hoping to cover the distance later when the ball moved to it.  This was a very nice game and made it actually enjoyable to play!

On to Friday!  My poor legs were not extremely happy with me come 6:45am Friday morning because I made them run twice the day before and then went to spin class at 5:45am.  Meh.  I enjoyed it.  The music selection is definitely the "deal breaker" for me.  In this case it is more of a deal maker.  The gal that leads our class has us climbing hills and telling us to push the resistance and keep our cadence and chooses music that actually coincides with what we need to be feeling.  The music is still intense but the beat is slower, so you're engaged but not feeling amped up and wanting to push faster instead of being stronger.  We did 15 minutes of a climbing standing hill.  That was slightly rough.  We did 15 minutes of "rollers" which wasn't terrible but meh, then the last 15 minutes we did jumps with sprints which I actually enjoyed, I know I'm weird.  Yes my legs were tired, yes I decided that Saturday would be a rest day, but no I did not regret a single decision to do all of that running and biking while continuing to work.  That's right, Friday I worked at Jewish and was getting my butt kicked having to migrate throughout the entire hospital for 8.5 hours with virtually no break.  I also worked at Bath and Body Works Thursday and today, I don't mind though because I actually like that job, I get to talk to a lot of people all the time and I'm not doing something pointless just because my boss doesn't like me.  It also helps that my boss actually likes me at Bath and Body.

Ok, well tomorrow is Sunday.  I plan on going to church in the morning and working at Bath and Body but what else I do is still in the air.  I'm thinking maybe yoga, swimming, something, but what I don't know.  Hopefully Red feels better tomorrow to join me because he's been under the weather the past couple of days.  He's looking and sounding better today so there's hope!

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