Sunday, January 6, 2013

Not a fan of "Pigeon Pose"

So I'm supposed to be starting my marathon training but I live in Ohio..that means it's really freaking cold, snowy, rainy, icy, and overall nasty.  I'm not a huge fan of running in this nonsense, but I have to if I want to not suck at the Flying Pig Marathon again this year.  I should really move :D Last I checked Red wasn't a huge fan of that idea.  I'll get over it, eventually, or I'll just continue to complain about it like I have for the past 27 years.

Meanwhile, I've been interested in taking a yoga class for quite a while, pretty much since I joined my gym nearly 3 years ago, but until today I never took a yoga class.  I don't really like taking classes on my own because I get bored, and no matter how much I asked, bribed, or begged Red, he refused to join me.  A couple of my friends recently joined my gym so I took advantage of their interest in trying different classes and general interest in working out, and asked them to join me in a Hot Vinyasa Yoga.  I knew the class would fill up fast, because I once tried to go to the same class a while ago and it was full 10 minutes before it was to start.  Brad and Lauren showed up nearly 30 minutes before the class started to save me a spot.  I was special and set my alarm to go off in the pm instead of am so I was very glad that they showed up early and that I woke up on my own, albeit an hour later than planned, but still on time.  I made it to the class 10 minutes before it started and only had a mat because they saved me one.  So we knew that this was supposed to be "hot yoga" and I had read other reviews of different "hot yoga" and was prepared for a complete sweat fest.  Well either I don't sweat that much, or the room simply was not that warm, because it was not the sweatfest I was imagining.  It was still fun though!  I bent and stretched in ways that I decidedly needed to, and I wasn't the only one feeling like I was made of cement and needed some serious work on my flexibility.  The only thing that I didn't like was towards the end the instructor told us to get into "pigeon pose", I am officially not a fan of "pigeon pose".  I was super uncomfortable and we sat there for about 2-3 minutes for each leg.  I understand that she was slowing the class down for the time to relax, but seriously, sitting in pigeon pose is not a fun time.  The rest of the class was very enjoyable, and hopefully next time I will have time to eat beforehand so I'm not driving over specifically for a 1 hour class.  If my friends are willing, I think that I'm going to try to make Sunday morning Hot Yoga a regular event!  The rest of my body was grateful for a new work out, though I may have over stretched because parts of my legs were feeling very jello-like.

I'm out of town this week, so we'll see how much working out I actually get done.  I'm really hoping that I can amp up my workouts, but I've been feeling fairly unmotivated and my typical work out partner has decided to go on a serious hiatus and become a permanent fixture on the couch.  Hopefully I can get a new start and a good start on training.  If Ohio would stop being so cold that would definitely help.  But if I wait for good weather then I'm going to be barely a month out from the marathon, decidedly not enough training time. That would be a terrible idea!

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