So quick run through for this week:
Tomorrow: 15 mile run
Tuesday: 1 hour lifting, 90 minute bike
Wednesday: 1 hour swim, 90 minute run (hill work)
Thursday: 1 hour lift, 90 minute run
Friday: 2 hour swim, 90 minute bike
Saturday: 3.5 hour bike
Sunday: Half Marathon + 4 :)
The really awesome part? Saturday and Sunday I should have suffer buddies the whole time! Thursday and Wednesday could be interesting because they are hard runs with hill work and speed work, but it'll all be a-okay.
I'm kind of excited about the fact that I can see a half marathon on the training schedule and 1) consider it a training run, and 2) know that I will actually be ready for that run. I won't be going for a PR, but I do like the fact that I can just go, "oh, ok, half problem"
Yay! Time for sleepy time. On a really fun positive note, I am down to one job! This is great because I get to go from 70 hours per week to about 45 hours. This means that I get two days off each week so I can get stuff done around the house, and I actually get to sleep!!!
Yeah sleep!!!!!