Monday, March 11, 2013

What NOT to do with an 8lb medicine ball

Well this sounds promising now doesn't it? So We have all kinds of stuff laying around the PT desk area and being the small child that i am, i want to mess with it all.  One of these things was an 8lb medicine ball.  Well, I Play soccer so I'm constantly messing with this with my feet, so what do i do? I try to balance this 8lb medicine ball on my foot. That's not too bad, except for the fat that i messed with it for about 15 minutes nearly non stop.  The next day my lower shin and ankle were really sore but i couldn't figure out what the problem was until i was about 8 miles into a 14 mile run.  If i had been alone i would have bailed on the next 6 miles in favor of saving me some pain, but i had my running buddy Ali along for the run plus Red drove all the way to Mason to bring us running goodies and water. So quitting was no longer an option.

So I ran my 14 miles and thought my foot was trying to disconnect itself from my leg, but I had an awesome cheering section every 4-5 miles with Red and Zoey, plus I had Ali keeping a constant chatter going and keeping me entertained.  I only really noticed it when we were on super flat parts, or when we weren't holding a conversation.  We finally got back to the club and headed home.  As soon as I got home I realized that pulling my toes back to just walk wasn't a thing and that I needed to drag my foot on the ground to keep it from hurting.  I was getting kind of concerned until I realized that if I sat still, used my crutches to navigate (yes I still have my crutches from my freshman year in high school), and iced my leg that there wasn't any pain.  I figured if I still couldn't walk properly Sunday morning then I would go to the doctor.  Well, come morning, not only could I walk just fine but the pain was WAY down.  That's what icing off and on for 6 hours will do for you, plus having Red there to get up and down to take care of anything that would require me to get up.  I've been told I'm spoiled, I prefer the term "Well Loved".  That's what my Grandma calls all of her grandchildren.  We're not spoiled, we're all just very well loved.  I have now carried that over to my married life :D

Now that I can walk properly again I'm looking at my training for the week and trying to figure out how on God's green earth this will all get done.  I have 16 hours of tri/marathon training, plus 23 hours of client training, plus an hour of regular training, plus random hours of consults and meetings at the gym, plus another 24 hours working at the hospital.  My organizational skills have increased exponentially, mostly out of necessity, not out of a desire to become more organized.  It's all going to get done one way or the other, so there isn't much sense stressing about it.  Now to get ready to start my day with sleep because I'm getting off night shift here soon, then train, grocery shop, and clean while Red deals with the furnace people. 

*Update on Grandma-ma*  She is still infuriating doctors, but in a good way.  It seems that her first bouts of chemo are already showing some promising results, but it's still too early to tell how well everything is working.  She picked up her wig and even though the color is a bit off, the style isn't too terribly off so it's not as shocking.  The initial sight is a bit interesting, but since things are still kind of similar then it is easy to get used to.  Grandma is still a happy grandma and still working like crazy! 

Hope everyone gets to enjoy the good weather today!  I can't wait to ride outside here soon! :D

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