Sunday, March 31, 2013

Impromptu Half Marathon

So my coach sent me my training plan early this morning and at first it didn't look too bad.  I decided to go through and count up the time for each session, to make sure I have enough actual time in my schedule, and this could be entertaining.  I have at least an hour and a half workout every single day this week.  Then my coach added a fun twist to this week.  I'm supposed to run 17 miles this weekend, but funny thing, there is a half marathon in Xenia this weekend.  My coach is encouraging me to run the race, then add my extra 4 miles to the half marathon.  The really awesome part about this?  The people running the half marathon course added a thing onto the FAQ section saying that anyone could run more miles than their race distance, just keep your bib number on and cross the finish line so that the aid station people know you're part of the course, and the race officials know where everyone went.  

So quick run through for this week:

Tomorrow: 15 mile run
Tuesday: 1 hour lifting, 90 minute bike
Wednesday: 1 hour swim, 90 minute run (hill work)
Thursday: 1 hour lift, 90 minute run
Friday: 2 hour swim, 90 minute bike
Saturday: 3.5 hour bike
Sunday: Half Marathon + 4 :)

The really awesome part?  Saturday and Sunday I should have suffer buddies the whole time!  Thursday and Wednesday could be interesting because they are hard runs with hill work and speed work, but it'll all be a-okay.  

I'm kind of excited about the fact that I can see a half marathon on the training schedule and 1) consider it a training run, and 2) know that I will actually be ready for that run. I won't be going for a PR, but I do like the fact that I can just go, "oh, ok, half problem"

Yay!  Time for sleepy time.  On a really fun positive note, I am down to one job!  This is great because I get to go from 70 hours per week to about 45 hours.  This means that I get two days off each week so I can get stuff done around the house, and I actually get to sleep!!!

Yeah sleep!!!!!

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