Ok, well last week was an incredibly slow training week. Red was gone on business so I didn't have my regular workout partner, top that with the fact that I ended up picking up lots of hours at work and it equals a very light week of training. By light I mean pathetic. I did the training with Mojo running which was a great experience but that was the only running I did all week. I biked Thursday afternoon for 20 miles and kept a great pace but that was the only biking I did all week. Those two events were the only training I did between the 16 mile successful loop on Saturday and my abysmal 4 mile run this morning. I call my run abysmal because I felt like my options were a slow shuffle or walking. I tried a new pair of shoes and my legs simply do not like them. The way they are made they interfere with my happy paced gate and make me feel like I'm hyper power walking as opposed to running, couple this with the fact that every one and their brother decided to mow their grass at 10:45 this morning means my allergies/asthma was kicked into high. I finished my 4 mile run in 41 minutes, not terrible, but definitely not what I wanted. I was hoping for somewhere around 36 or so, that obviously didn't happen. I plan on returning the shoes this week and either picking up a new pair and going back to Asics or just using the ones that I have and see if I can just learn how to stretch out my hamstrings.
The reason I opted for new shoes was I thought my current shoes were giving me hamstring problems during any run longer than 10 miles. That may still be true, but tight hammies is a lot better than my legs begrudging me every step no matter what the distance. I have a lot of miles scheduled this week so we'll see how the shoe situation turns out.
Let's check out my ambition level when I made my training plan for this week. I'm counting this coming Sunday in my week because my Garmin starts its weeks on Monday. If I include that then I have about 120 miles of training that I want to accomplish. If the weather and such works in my favor I may actually get more training in than that depending on my sleep/work schedule. I'm excited about my next two weeks of training because right now those are lighter weeks at work which means more training time! Also I plan on running with Mojo running this weekend for a 20 mile course that covers the back half of the Flying Pig Marathon. I've ran the Flying Pig Half Marathon 3 times but I've never been on the course that covers miles 9-26 of the Marathon because the Marathon and Half marathon runners split at mile 9. Here's to a great couple of weeks! I'll keep you posted!
The hardest step for any runner is the first step out the door.
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