Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Woot training!

Ok, so my training is finally getting up to where I would like it to start!  Last week I discovered a very strong love/hate relationship with the bike trainer, got in an 11 mile run, and swam all while working every single day.  This week I only work 3 days, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, but they are all on third which should make my training life interesting.  I have a feeling that come Saturday morning I'm going to pass right out and sleep until my sister comes here and we go work out together.

Sunday Red and I went on another long run, those are going to be a main staple of our training, but either way I would certainly wish that it would warm up already!  All week it was between 50-60 Monday through Friday but as soon as the weekend hit we were lucky to hit 30.  We started our 11 mile run with the sign at the local middle school reading 35 degrees.  I hate to be cold.  I was bundled up and STILL cold.  When we finished our run that sign then read 33 degrees.  I need to find a way to stay warm if Ohio is going to continue to be a pain in the butt on the weekends. This weekend is calling for 50's but I will believe it when I see it.  Other than the absolutely cold temperatures the run went really well.  We went a little slower than we intended but we also stopped more due to the route and what not than we did last week. This time we ran in Mason and had to cross busy streets a lot and for some reason both of us had issues with keeping our shoes tied or getting stuff in our shoes.  Red also stays A LOT warmer than I do and needed to stop for a wardrobe change because he was "too warm".  I had more layers and was too cold.  I don't know what his secret is but I demand that he share it with me!  It's ok, it's part way through March now which means that we should be getting nice weather here soon along with some rain.  As long as it's not a freezing cold rain I'm game to run and train in it!  Speaking of training....

Red got a bike trainer for Christmas and never used it.  I was the first person to use it as of last week and let me tell you that it is deceivingly hard!  I have been in spin classes and actually rode my bike on the bike trail last year so you would think that I wouldn't be such a wimp when it came to the trainer right? WRONG!  There is ZERO coasting on this thing, and instead of letting momentum take your feel on around in circles like spin bikes do, if you stop pedaling, you stop pedaling and spinning.  This little "feature" is good though because the Ironman I am signed up for is completely flat.  Every blog/forum/report I have read talks about how you really need to get your legs used to pedaling the entire time and your back used to being in aero for hours at a time.  My longest ride has only been 50 minutes thus far but that's about to change this week and in weeks coming up.  The weather is starting to warm up some which means I should be going to the bike trail here soon but I am still going to sit on the trainer to get a good resistance workout in and also when I don't have time to drive all the way to the trail and all the way back since the trainer is just down a set of steps into my basement.  The trainer also has the advantage of the fact that if it's super dark, rainy, or cold I can just hop downstairs and watch some tv as I spin for a while.

Along with my trainer I've been working on adding strength training to my regimen.  Last night I did lat pull downs, single arm rows, double arm rows, planks, supermen, declined sit ups, tricep pull downs, kettle bell swings, kettle bell slashers,  regular crunches, and side crunches.  Today, my back is reminding me of what I did.  It's actually not too bad, I was starting to kind of miss this feeling.  There's a certain happiness that accompanies being sore after a workout because then you know you work hard and that you accomplished a goal.  I wanted to work my back and abs and I feel like I definitely succeeded.  Today I intend to swim 2000 and then meet up with Red during his lunch hour and go for a 4 mile run.  After all of that is said and done I fully intend to come home, enjoy a nice hot shower, then take a nap before getting up and getting ready for work.

Swim time!

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