Friday, May 4, 2012

Healing, Pictures, and Mohawks :D

So I have found a couple of blogs I really like and I was thinking how I enjoy their new posts when I realized that I haven't been posting hardly at all!  I have managed to screw up how to put pictures in my posts but I think it's remedied, at least I'm hoping so, because I still haven't put up the Tough Mudder photos that I took of me and Red on the bus to and from the "challenge".  

Pre Tough Mudder, nice and clean, dry, and WARM :D

Post Tough Mudder.  Decidedly not clean though.  We changed our clothes in order to fend off hypothermia since our other clothes were soaking wet, muddy, and FREEZING.  I really do not like to be cold so getting warm was a must.  Oh, and you'll notice we are both branded on our foreheads, they claim it's so they can identify our bodies afterwards but it's mostly because your face is just about the only thing that isn't caked in mud when you finish. 

Red also was a good sport and shaved his head into a mohawk for the challenge!  Bic razors was doing a fund raiser type deal where for every person that shaved their head, got a mohawk, or some other ridiculous designed-non-traditional-I'm-not-sure-I-can-go-to-work-haircut Bic would donate money to the Wounded Warrior Project.  When we heard that announcement I simply goaded Red into shaving his head by standing next to him going "Do it! Do it! Do it!", so he did. When we got home though he trimmed the top down so it was less fluffy cabbage patch kid, but it's still cool!
Slightly less fluffy, but nice side view of my new favorite hair style for him!

So it is taking Red's hair a little while to grow back out, I'm not complaining though, but it also took us quite a while to heal from the "challenge".  Red actually went to a doctor considering an MRI for his knees after he plummeted 8 feet landing straight legged from the "Berlin Wall", and I was beautifully bruised.  It looked like I was beat repeatedly with a baseball bat on my legs, arms, and a couple places on my sides.  I don't remember hitting my sides but meh.

This is about a week and a half Post Tough Mudder.  First off, I don't normally bruise, second off, I usually heal quickly.  Ouch.  
So I promised a better "Race Report" for the Tough Mudder, well Red beat me to it and I like all of his pictures that he found.  Take a seat and enjoy reading some of our "obstacles"/torture devices that we participated in!  We have decided that we will most likely do another Tough Mudder BUT it will definitely be in the summer, some place warm, and I will figure out a way to deal with not getting hypothermia so the race will be more enjoyable!  Enjoy!

Read Red's Tough Mudder Race Report here

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