Monday my body was rebelling and doing a good job of convincing me that it was too hot to run, but Tuesday onward my body decided to get with the program. Tuesday I ran with Red on lunch and felt great! We have a 4.25 mile loop that we run on his lunch break randomly. It's kind of nice to be able to have a set mileage and have a running buddy for quick jogs. Later that night we went for a ride and I road tested the new bike which I have now named Felix. I've been trying to think of a name for my bike since I was finally able to ride it, and for some reason Felix just sounded cool. Allegra, my old Felt, is now officially my commuter bike, and Felix is now my road racing bike. That was the entire purpose of buying Felix, but at first I thought I was going to rotate Felix and Allegra based on what the training ride would be, now Felix is training and Allegra is commute. Felix is a GREAT hill bike too! Oregonia hill is about a 1.5 mile climb and though I've been getting a lot better at my climbing I was only able to keep Red in my sights while riding Allegra. My first climb out on Felix and I was able to not only catch Red, but also pass him all three times that we did that hill this week!! Woot!! He still has me on flats....for now :D
Wednesday I did a tempo run before work, my first time ever trying to honestly make myself run a certain pace all on my own. I suck at pacing, I've said it once and I will say it again, I suck at pacing. Red is the human metronome, I am the human spaz. He'll say "let's run at 9:30, or 10:00, or insert time here, and he can do it. Me I go "let's run at 10:00 min pace today", and I'll take off at an 8:30 for the first mile and Red normally has to rein me in. Yep, pacing is not my thing. Well I'm going to make it my thing this year! Wednesday I ran 5 miles at what was supposed to be 5 different paces. Mile 1) 10:00, 2) 9:30, 3) 9:00, 4) 8:30, 5) 8:00. I was a little too fast on the first mile and ended up at 9:41, meh. I hit all of the other miles except the 8:00 but that was because my legs were flipping me the patella and telling me to bugger off. I'm loving my new shoes, Asics Gel Blur 33's. They're light, comfy, move great with me, not a huge heel, and AWESOME colors! Mine are neon orange!
New shoes!
I'm hoping that next week I can up my mileage some and be super productive training wise, but I don't see that happening. I work Sat, Sun, Mon night which means that Tuesday I will be sleeping all day. That leaves Wed-Saturday to get stuff done. I'll be super busy this week though with wedding stuff so yeah!!! Hoping to get my dress fitted, more stuff for the wedding, the an amazing weekend filled with family and friends for my bridal shower! We'll see how much actual training gets accomplished.
Happy training!
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