Chasing some running and triathlon dreams all while working and having fun!
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Getting ready for a New Year and Gear
Killer New Year's Workout or the "I Hate You" workout
Warm up (4 rounds of each)
High kicks
High skips
Grape vine
Squat walk KB swing
(4 rounds)
Bicep curls
Overhead triceps extensions
Push ups
Dead lifts
Sumo Squats
(4 rounds)
Mt Climbers
Jump squats
KB swings
KB squat and pull
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Gearing up for 2014
Meanwhile. Back to that time of year. It's time to make up the race calendar, figure out what gear I'll need, and essentially start becoming Type A again and get things organized. I'm not going to over organize though because it seems that every time I don't leave a little wiggle room then the world falls apart. I would rather leave the world intact, thank you very much. Anyway, I started going through my dream list of races last night and wanted to see what would work best with my ultimate goal of qualifying for Kona at Wisconsin. So far my race list is looking a little bit like this:
April 6th: Ohio River Road Runners Half Marathon
May 4th: Flying Pig Half Marathon
Monday, December 23, 2013
Reaching your goals
So this morning I woke up to a 5 page novel of a text message from a client visiting family out of state. Due to weather and travel schedules we will be going 2 weeks without a formal training session. I've had some clients go "Oh well, I'll pick back up after the holidays". Or "that's why people make new year's resolutions! To deal with all the weight they put on during the holidays". I'm not a fan of these excuses, so I try to give my people some motivation or reasons to not fall off the wagon over the holidays. The text I received this morning was the complete opposite. She said "I'm trying to keep up with my workouts while I'm out here, but I want to include family. I don't want to offend you by asking, but would you mind making a few workouts for me to do with my mom and husband? ". Sure! I proceeded to give her two butt kicking workouts where they would be easily adjusted for the less experienced and still give a workout for everyone. See, that's what people need to do. Go ahead and enjoy family time, indulge a little bit with the traditional foods, spend more time doing nothing but talking. It is the holidays, I get it, but still take advantage of your resources and ask for workouts, assistance with foods, whatever you need. Include friends and family and don't wait until January 1st to kick off their healthy 2014. There's a way to get everything that everyone wants and still be fun. You don't have to say "I'm eating healthy this year" or "I'm trying to lose weight so I won't eat any blah". Use your brain and eat in moderation. If you indulge a little bit then go for a workout. Instead of eating, unwrapping presents, and napping, go play with the kids or go for a walk and enjoy quality time with a relative you only see once in a while! Have fun and Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 20, 2013
Emotional blows are the single hardest thing to process. There are waves of uncertainty, anger, sadness, obnoxious hyper-ness (not a word, get over it), irritability, and confusion. There is also numbness where everything hits at once and you don't know which emotion to feel, so you don't feel anything. That's when you are just "functional". Last night my mom and Grandma called to inform me that the time has come for major decision making. Grandma has been fighting her evil cellular parasite (breast cancer) since January and has been doing a stellar job. She hasn't complained, she just says "what's next?". Well after 2 rounds of chemo, 7 weeks of radiation, and a laundry list of drugs, the cellular parasite will simply not go away. Complications, rebounds, ups, downs, and everything in between have come to this woman and she hasn't flinched. So yesterday they decided do we keep fighting with medicine and not guarantee anything other than a slew of doctors appointments, medications, bills, and treatments? Or do we decide to let her do whatever the world she wants and progress from there? It was decided that medical intervention would no longer be a thing. She's tired of constantly planning her life around doctor appointments and treatments. She wants to do everything on her "own". I put own in quotations because regardless of her thought of doing things by herself, we're all still 100% behind, beside, and in front of her. Surrounding her with love and support. The term that the doctors and others have use to label this decision is "hospice".
Hospice has so many negative connotations that it borders suicidal in thought processes. She's the exact same woman, her body is the exact same, her mind is the exact same, her heart and love are the exact same. The only difference is now there will be nurses to help with her current medications, and she won't be going through any treatments. It is an assistance in this case because the Hospice company now takes care of her bills, covers medications, and ensures that she is able to get whatever care she needs to make life easy. She won't have to be labeled as a Home Health case to get nurses, and Home Health is where the patient is "home bound" in order to get nursing assistance. Grandma HATES the prospect of anyone labeling her as "home bound". Yeah right. Not a thing. With "Hospice" she is allowed to do whatever she feels like and not have to worry about it being "too much" for whatever coverage she has for bills and medications and assistance. This is an organization that assists those that have a terminal diagnosis and they want to make life a little bit easier. You can be on hospice for years. It does not have to be a short term schedule.
I understand this, I know what it all means, but the emotions that are attached to the word "hospice" are still just as strong. This is why I label myself as "functional". I've run through the entire list of emotions and my body can't decide which one it wants to deal with first. Despair? Fear? Sadness? Anger? Hope? Stubbornness? Hatred towards God? Insanity? Love? Confusion? Numbness? If you see me running around like a complete crack head, doing sprints, monkey-ing on pull up bars, or just looking like a lunatic, that's because that is just about the only defense I have left. There is nothing that I can do to stop this cellular parasite from continuing it's war against my Grandma. There wasn't anything I could do when she was going through treatments either, but the constant treatments and doctors visits brought about the illusion of treatment. The odds really are about the same with or without treatment. If the tumors were able to grow during treatment, or immediately after treatment stopped, then they are just as stubborn as she is. So there's no stopping them. There's no stopping her either.
Yes, my family is heart broken. Yes, our last line of hope with treatments has been cut and we're left hanging there with the cut end watching hope fly away from us. But that doesn't change who she is. It just takes away the mirage, illusion, figment of our imagination, whatever you want to call it, from us so we no longer know where to ground ourselves. Before it was, "what's the next treatment?", "What't the next step?". Now we don't know. Do we ground ourselves in faith? Hope? Love? Aliens? Voodoo? What? I don't know anyone who has the answers, because there isn't one.
Do what you need to cope and deal with everything, but remember that Grandma isn't giving up and she is proud of all of us because we don't know how to give up. We have all overcome something in our lives and have all become successful in our own rights. She loves us and loves the fact that we are all strong. Temporary weakness is normal, but don't let it become the overwhelming norm. Until I figure out however I'm dealing, I will continue to just be functional. Functional is what will get us through the day, because time will pass no matter how we feel. Happiness is a stretch, functional is now.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
A runner on the hunt for jeans
First off, I have found a less expensive pair of jeans in there. They're the "Leo" or whatever, but they're about half the price of the BKE and Rock jeans and a third the price of the "vintage" jeans. I like the fact that the majority of the jeans are sized not by 0, 1, 2, 3, etc, but more by actual measurements of 25x29 or 26x31, makes my life infinitely easier. So about 50 pairs of jeans later I finally found a pair that I'm happy in, but the problem is that they are too long. Not all of their cuts in the Buckle come in their short cut, which is disappointing. The big bonus to this store though is that they offer free alterations. We're talking hemming, not full blown dress fixing. But still, it's quite nice! My issue with altering the jeans is that they are so long that the amount I have to have hemmed completely ruins the cut of the jeans. So my BKE Stella Bootcuts turn more into a skinny or straight leg. If I liked the straight leg jeans or skinny jeans then I would be in heaven. They fit me, but I'm not a huge straight leg fan. I've been looking on their website though and I've found a few more designs and styles that I would like to try out. I don't necessarily need jeans, I just like to get a new pair of jeans every year. The upside to me not growing is the fact that I don't have to buy jeans until they actually wear out, which takes a really really long time. The downside to me never growing is that I have the same jeans today as I did when I graduated high school. I do still have one pair of jeans that are still hanging on by a thread since my senior year in high school. Meh, I'll find another pair of jeans eventually. I'll just stay the same size and in a couple of years my style of jeans will come back into style. I would say that my training and lifting is why I can't find a new pair of jeans, but jeans that I've had for years fit almost the exact same as they have since I got them. So I'm thinking that's not the issue. I think Red was right and America is fat and designers are taking that into consideration so now they are more concerned with people having spare tires around their middles than trying to fit short skinny people. Meh.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Snow Day!
Now, when I got up to go to work this morning all that rain was on its way to becoming freezing rain. My car was encased in a sheet of ice, but thankfully it wasn't too thick and was really easy to get off. My 5am, 7am, and 9am clients all came in fine, must have been an odd hour happy day. My 6, 8, and 10ams didn't want to come in because of the weather. Meh, 50/50 for the day. Being in a 100% commissioned position has its ups and downs and today turned out to be an up. We are fortunate to have a 24 hour cancellation policy, so I was able to still get paid, but it was nice to see my clients who came in are the ones really dedicated. I did have a 12p client who didn't come in, but that wasn't because of fear for the weather, it was more because every school in Cincinnati closed before a single flake hit the ground which meant that kids were home that are normally in school. So they couldn't leave. But that was all before the snow ever hit the ground. Last night I was super happy to go to the UC game and knew that I was going to have very little sleep. So when I got home early from work I decided to take a quick nap. You know how that goes, a quick nap turns into a couple of hours. I laid down and it was still kind of freezing rain, but there wasn't an ounce of snow anywhere. My mom called and woke me up 2 hours later....and there was snow everywhere. To me it wasn't enough to warrant all the chaos, worry, and cancellations that had been going on for the past week, but it was a significant amount. I mean, considering about a half inch had coated the ground in two hours, but it's not that bad. Right now I'm waiting for Red to get home from work and hoping that the terrible Cincinnati drivers stay out of his way. It snows a decent amount every single year in Cincinnati, but every year they act as if it has never snowed here.
Tomorrow is going to be very very interesting. Hopefully the crews can get around to the streets early on because I have to work from 7a-2p tomorrow. It should be fine though because there usually aren't many people on the roads early in the morning. After work I'm really hoping to hit Harbin Park again and get in a nice 5-6 mile trail run in. It should be really pretty in all of the snow. I'll be busting out my super thick winter running tights, and probably a couple of layers on top, along with my wool socks for my run tomorrow. The high is only supposed to be about 23 degrees :/ The upside to all of this snow is that it will insulate everything a bit, so the trails will be slippery, but hopefully not horrifically cold. I will be layered to the max though because I don't want to be cold, but I still want to train in anything that isn't a treadmill!