Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Getting ready for a New Year and Gear

What are you doing for New Years?!  I'm doing something that I haven't been able to do in quite a while...NOTHING.  I've been running non-stop for holidays, family shenanigans, working like a crazy woman, and making a sad attempt to make the house look orderly.  So my treat for tonight is to do nothing, I'm sitting in my sweats watching Bowl Games and pestering Red.

I'm also figuring out how to better organize my life, organize my house, and trying a few new ways to make fun workouts more visible. :)  As promised in my last post, here are a few things that I am either recently obsessed with, or have been for a while.  


Betty Designs pretty much everything :)  I have a pair of her bike shorts and they're probably the best cycle shorts I've owned.  I just received the Mosaic Tri Kit for Christmas, being January it hasn't been tested but I'm certain it'll hold up just as well.

Zoot tri tops have served me well.  I'm a tiny person and for some reason a lot of people make tri tops that flare out at the bottom.  I don't want to swim with a cape, and Zoot fits me well.  They tri shorts are ok, but I have found the most comfort in K-Swiss tri shorts.

I've only ever been able to find K-Swiss shorts that I like at the Ironman Muncie expo.  I bought my first pair the night before my first race there in 2011, wore them brand new (typically a big race day no-no) but they worked perfectly.  I loved them!  Then, after 2 years of training and racing it was time to replace my K-Swiss shorts.  I found another pair at my 2013 Ironman Muncie expo and loved them just as much.

Training Fuel:

After a lot of experiments (some good, some bad, some just meh), I've found what works for me.

Bonk Break bars sit very well while on the bike and last through the run.  I like to actually chew my food while I bike and train, but not everything sits well.  These all taste good, are easy to handle on the bike, and don't cause issues.  Plus, you're not a sticky mess after eating them.

Clif shots (gels) have been my go to for easy fast fuel on the bike and run.  I like them most on the run because I can just suck on them and keep moving.  I started using them in running when I first did any endurance racing, and they've worked beautifully.  I started using too many during races, which caused problems, but now I know how many I need depending on my distance.

Skratch Labs is my hydration favorite.  Tastes great, sits well, and even after being in a bottle all day it doesn't taste chalky or settle out.

Those are a lot of my go to things for most of my training and such.  I love Yurbuds for my music, I got a new ipod for Christmas (my last one died after 5 years of abuse, I mean use), and I fly through shoes.  I love Mizuno and Asics.  I also love my Oakley sunglasses, but I seem to lose them every other year or so :(

Back to organizing or attempting to be a slug :)  

Until next year!

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