Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Killer New Year's Workout or the "I Hate You" workout

So this is a new workout that I've been having my clients do the past couple of days.  I figure with everyone doing their New Years Resolutions, why not have a new workout for it?  It's easy to modify, can require very little equipment, and goes quickly.  This series you will do 30 seconds of each exercise before getting a 2 minute rest, then you start that group of exercises again until you get all the rounds in.  An easy way to progress this is each time you repeat the workout you try to beat your number of reps of each exercise, or you increase your weights.  Or do both.  Here's the "I Hate You Workout"

Warm up (4 rounds of each)
High kicks
High skips
Grape vine
Squat walk KB swing

(4 rounds)
Bicep curls
Overhead triceps extensions
Push ups
Dead lifts
Sumo Squats

(4 rounds)
Mt Climbers
Jump squats
KB swings
KB squat and pull

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