Saturday, December 28, 2013

Gearing up for 2014

It's that time of year again!  I've had a very run intense "off season".  I use quotes with off season because I've been doing speed work every Tuesday, relaxing runs every Thursday, then long runs of form on Saturdays and Sunday.  This was all in preparation for a 50K that I had intended on doing in February.  That may be taking a backseat.  Why may you ask?  Because I hate being cold.  That's what it pretty much boils down to really.  I can not stand being cold.  Ali and I were supposed to run 10 miles when it was 22 degrees out and I had enough when we got to 8 miles, it was time to go be warm.  When you take off your tights and your legs are redder than a stop sign, it's time to stay inside.

Meanwhile.  Back to that time of year.  It's time to make up the race calendar, figure out what gear I'll need, and essentially start becoming Type A again and get things organized.  I'm not going to over organize though because it seems that every time I don't leave a little wiggle room then the world falls apart.  I would rather leave the world intact, thank you very much.  Anyway, I started going through my dream list of races last night and wanted to see what would work best with my ultimate goal of qualifying for Kona at Wisconsin.  So far my race list is looking a little bit like this:

April 6th: Ohio River Road Runners Half Marathon
May 4th: Flying Pig Half Marathon
May 18th: Rev3 Knoxville 70.3

July 12th (option 1): Half Ironman Muncie

August 10th (option 2): Half Ironman Steelhead
Then the Grand Finale!  SEPTEMBER 7TH! IRONMAN WISCONSIN!!!!

I have a lot of work to do, but I think it's all going to be worth it!  I found out today that a friend will be doing Rev3 Knoxville as well this year.  I'm also stoked that one of my really good friends lives in Knoxville, so I'm hoping to visit a couple of times so I can check what is listed as a "challenging" bike course.  It says it has twisting and steep descents, so this will be a good practice course for Wisconsin.  I'm labeling Steelhead and Muncie as optional races because I don't know which one I want to do.  Steelhead may be too close to Wisconsin, but I've already done Muncie twice and was less than impressed with the bike course.  Seriously, who has a "no passing zone" for two miles during a race?  If I do Muncie again though, I'm definitely shooting for a podium spot.  

Time to start making training blocks, getting my butt back in the pool, and breaking out the trainer!  My next post may be my list of Ironman Wish List for training for this coming season :)  

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