Wednesday, November 30, 2011

First snowy winter run!

Ok, so if anyone knows me they know that I hate winter.  I am not a fan, I do not like snow, I do not like to be cold, and I most certainly do not like to be cold AND wet.  Well, winter brings all of those things when you are outside but the one thing that I cannot fight is that I am most definitely a cold weather runner.  Whenever I get a new PR it's always cold out, I don't know if that's because my body isn't trying so hard to cool down or if I subconsciously just really want to get the run over and be done. Who knows.  Regardless of what the reasoning is I actually enjoy running outside when it's cold once I get past the point of "dear sweet Jesus it's cold and I should be back inside", once that part is over it is quite peaceful.  Another perk of running outside and in a nice neighborhood is the fact that people have started putting out their Christmas lights which means that running at 9:00pm is not only quiet, peaceful, and enjoyable, but it is also quite pretty.  

Something that I know that helps with running outside is that I do believe I have finally mastered the art of having the correct number of layers on for the appropriate temperature.  I used to make sure I was cozy no matter where I was and invariably ended up stripping off layers mid run and trying to figure out what to do with said layers once I didn't want to wear them anymore.  Well now I've realized that I can wear fewer layers and stay just as warm so long as I'm layering with the correct clothes.  If anyone is seriously considering running in the winter it is definitely a worthwhile investment to buy a good pair of running tights and a warm running top.  Yes they are expensive but they are definitely worth the money.  I have two pairs of running tights and I think the "cheap" pair were still $45 on sale and they are from when I was in 7th or maybe 8th grade, I am now 26 years old.  The other pair is thicker than my old pair which mean I think they were $60 and they are reebok but I love them.  My mom made the comment that I spend a lot of money on running gear but I tell her I never regret it because I definitely get my use out of everything.  I'm pretty rough on everything I own so it's a great idea for me to consider buying quality stuff over quantity.  Sure I could have bought something cheaper but it wouldn't work as well, wear as well, and I would probably be uncomfortable/cold and not want to run, thereby completely defeating the purpose of buying the stuff in the first place.  

Meanwhile.  After that little rant I do believe that I am going to go eat something then clean up the house and probably do something productive for a bit.  I started this post last night right after my run but then I got side tracked with dinner and a shower and forgot to finish until this morning.  Oh well.  So long as it gets done right?  My goal for tonight is to head to the gym and get some weight training in and see what all I can my my poor upper body do.  My body is very disproportional when it comes to strength.  My lower half is crazy strong for my size but my upper half leaves much to be desired.  I am strong yes still needs work.  

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